Past Programs
2021 HGR Year End Program L.P.,
a Kentucky limited partnership, was formed on October 29, 2021 to acquire working interest in one oil and gas well to be drilled in Tyler County, Texas. HGR capitalized the partnership with $619,856 from outside investors. The well is expected to be drilled sometime in March, 2023.
High Gravity South Texas E&P, LP
a Kentucky limited partnership, was formed in May 2017 to acquire working interest in two existing wells, and three additional oil and/or gas wells, two of which were drilled on leasehold acreage in Nueces County, Texas, and one of which was drilled on leasehold acreage in Wharton County, Texas. HGR capitalized the partnership with $600,000 from outside investors. One of the existing wells in which an interest was purchased has been producing since the acquisition of the interest, and the other well has been recompleted and is now back in production. Two of the wells drilled subsequent to the formation of the partnership were determined to be dry holes, and the third well was opted out of due additional costs outweigh the benefit.
Campbell Creek 3D Development #1, L.P.
a Kentucky limited partnership, was formed in July 2020 to acquire working interest in one oil and gas well to be drilled in Lavaca County, Texas. HGR capitalized the partnership with $1,127,555 from outside investors. The well was drilled to a depth of approximately 10,200 feet, completed and initially put into production. The operator moved up-hole to perforate and re-completed a new zone, and the well is currently producing approximately 300 mcf of natural gas per day and 5 barrels of oil per day.
Gulf Coast 3D Prospects Phase 1, L.P.
a Kentucky limited partnership, was formed in August 2019 to acquire working interest in three existing wells and additional oil and/or gas wells which were drilled on leasehold acreage in Wharton and Jim Wells Counties, Texas, and Hendry County, Florida. HGR capitalized the partnership with $240,000 from outside investors. The well drilled in Hendry County, Florida, has since been deemed unable to produce in commercial quantities and was plugged and abandoned. The well drilled in Wharton County, Texas, is currently producing approximately 200 mcf/day and no oil. The well drilled in Jim Wells County, Texas, is currently producing approximately 500 mcf of natural gas per day and 6 barrels of oil per day.
HGR South Texas Two Step, L.P.,
a Kentucky limited partnership, was formed on August 24, 2022, to acquire working interest in two oil and gas wells to be drilled in Jim Wells and Nueces Counties, Texas. HGR capitalized the partnership with $792,813 from outside investors. The well in Jim Nueces County was drilled and is currently awaiting undergoing completion operations. The well in Nueces County is expected to be drilled in April of 2023. Both the Knight well and the Cook #1 have been drilled. Completion is underway with production to start in the 2nd quarter of 2024.
Indio 3D Development, L.P.,
a Kentucky limited partnership, was formed in January 2015 to acquire working interest in two oil and gas wells to be drilled in Zavala County, Texas. HGR capitalized the partnership with $414,155 from outside investors. Both wells were drilled to a depth of approximately 4,500 feet. One well was deemed a dry hole and the other was completed and put into production. The well in production is producing approximately 5-6 barrels of oil equivalent (“BOE”) per day as of this Memorandum.